NRF 2019: Three Vibrant Themes from Tenser’s Take on BrainTrust LIVE!

LIVE FROM NRF 2019: My BrainTrust LIVE! report from the Big Show in New York, Jan. 14 2019.

Tenser’s Tirades reports from the crossroads of the Big Show floor as hundreds of attendees flow past. This year’s event boasted 37,000 registered attendees, 900 members of the media and more than 120 keynote, breakout, and vendor-sponsored educational sessions.

BrainTrust LIVE! January 14, 2019 – With James Tenser

Topic: Our BrainTrust panelist, James Tenser, reports in from the floor of NRF’s Big Show and boils things down into three areas of innovation he’s seeing as most prevalent at the show. [13 minutes][Posted by RetailWire on Monday, January 14, 2019]

NRF 2019: Three Vibrant Themes

Tenser’s Tirades reports from the crossroads of the Big Show floor as hundreds of attendees flow past. This year’s event boasted 37,000 registered attendees, 900 members of the media and more than 120 keynote, breakout, and vendor-sponsored educational sessions.

In this on-the-spot report, I address three major, interlocking themes that characterized this year’s event: Personalization of Everything. Artificial Intelligence, and The Learning Store.

Personalization of Everything means personalized experiences, personalized digital assortments, personalized pricing and offers. More vendors are traveling the path from “hype and speculation” to actually delivering on the promise. Competitive pricing intelligence is a key enabler. Personalized offers are stealthy by nature.

Artificial Intelligence has migrated from a concept to a set of techniques for delivering on the other business objectives. AI is not the point unto itself – rather it’s a better way to get decisions done more rapidly and more accurately. It’s an essential element of personalization.

The Learning Store is my way of describing a retail environment rich is sensory capabilities. In-store sensing is an array of technologies that enable retailers to detect and monitor conditions and behaviors within the retail store, with a level of granularity that compares with what is routinely captured in the digital store.

More of James Tenser In The Media.

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